International Stage – April 5th
Come and attend !
Projects Presentation
Valorex Gabon project #Green Chemistry
Extract small molecules from wood waste, valorise them and the remaining biomass will be directed to other types of valorisation, in order to reduce the carbon impact
Bio-Bio Plastic #Green Chemistry
Develop new technologies to obtain performants functionalized bio-plastics from biomass plants with the same physico-chemical properties that petroleum based plastic
TUM #biotechnology
Integrate wood-based materials into microdevices for biotechnological applications due to their compatibility, easy production and low cost.
Forestry club de France #Afforestation
Reforest a classified forest of 92,000 hectares, more than 75% of which has been degraded by cocoa farming in Côte d’Ivoire.
Taigatech #software
Software to increase the traceability within the sawmills.
3G #Information&Communication Technology
Identified and connected felling machine geotagging and labeling automatically on trees’ felling in tropical forests to closely monitor deforestation and guide advocacy for sustainable management; and connecting timber’ traders and consumers to legal producers to discourage illegally harvested timber.
Voxel #Woodconstruction
12m2 CLT structure clad in a parametric rain screen whose primary materials never left the surrounding forest
University of Cambridge #Green Chemistry
The University of Cambridge has developed the most sustainable pigments and glitters using only cellulose extracted from wood, thereby eliminating all health, ethical and environmental concerns inherent in other products.
CNR IBE #Green Chemistry
Realization of new biocomposites starting from lignocellulosic waste materials, of different origin, using multiple suitable fungal specie.