Canopée Challenge
Canopée challenge – edition 2 ( Formerly La canopée competition ) is the international competition for all innovative projects in the forest-wood sector. This initiative is led by Forinvest Business Angels , l’École Supérieure du Bois, Fibois France and Xylofutur with the aim of encouraging, supporting and valuing innovation in the sector. The winners will benefit for national and international visibility, support, an invitation to the Carrefour International du Bois from 1 to 3 June in Nantes and a total allocation of 60.000 euros. This second edition will bring together a jury of more than 80 members composed of journalists and sector, investment and project support experts.

*Novelty edition 2

International Category
Open to project leaders non headquartered in France, coming from the academic world and not having been the subject of industrial production and/or commercialization
The key: visibility, support, 50.000 euros allocation envelope and Invitation at the CIB
To participate in the competition: the candidate must submit a file on the following link
The announcement of the selected projects will be made no later than January 13, 2022
The pre-selected candidates will be invited to present their innovation project, in the form of an elevator pitch, in a maximum of 5 minutes, before a jury composed of industry experts, journalists, institutional and investment professionals and business accelerators.
Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Paris, Lille and Nancy will each host a regional stage (see the calendar below).
The 12 finalists will then compete in Paris.
Applications are open from 18 October to 12 December 2021.
The Awards
The winners will receive the following awards:

International Category
Open to project leaders non headquartered in France, coming from the academic world and not having been the subject of industrial production and/or commercializations than 100,000 euros in turnover and having less than 3 years of existence.
5,000 € in cash prize
The Favorites Awards
All national shortlisted projects will benefit from these awards
Competition timeline

OCTOBER, 18 2021 - DECEMBER, 12 2021
Opening of application

JANUARY, 13 2022
Announcement of selected projects


BPI France Bouvelard Haussmann

The winners of Edition 1

A therapeutic wooden armchair
Useful to people with autism, developed by Alexia Audrain. The jury applauded the new encounter between beauty & therapy.

Hybridal: the bonded concrete wood floor
The jury applauded the mixing of materials, the traceability of supplies, and the establishment of the company in the territory

A solution for designing wooden spaces
Modular and eco-responsible for all events, applauded a project focused on its customers.
A proven competition !
Figures of the first edition (2019/2020)
Jury members
Press Articles
Euros of awards
Received projects
Selectionned projects
Past Edition